Thursday, January 21, 2010


 heheee aaand that's some sort of a poster/invitation for a birthday party i did these days for some friends. can be seen i haven't been drawing for quiet a while..yeeap, but anyway: enjoy! hehe

Monday, January 4, 2010

aand some old ones

these are pretty old, as in 2 years, but i still find them interesting hehe :D

Sunday, January 3, 2010

some recent works

ookeei, so this is my first post ever on a blog, my blog to be precise...if i remember corectly :))
not much to say about the works; first one is my vision of the general romanian voter, big ears to listen all the crap politicians offer and small brain for not processing the infos and believing all that crap.Second and third are concepts for a wizard [hope they're ok hehehe].
Take a look and give me feedback if you want :D, thanks!